IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (IEEE VCIP 2025) Conference, will be held in Klagenfurt, Austria, from December 1 to 4, 2025. VCIP is the oldest conference in the field and one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE CAS Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee. Since 1986, VCIP has served as a premier forum for the exchange of fundamental and applied research in the field of visual communications and image processing.
VCIP2025 will provide the opportunity to present demos, open source tools, and datasets.
Demos and videos are intended as real, practical, and interactive proof of research ideas and scientific contributions, to allow researchers and practitioners to view and interact with the implementation of recent research.
We encourage and promote the contribution of researchers, software developers, and educators to advance the field by providing the community with implementations of software or datasets related to the conference topics. These resources advance the field by providing a common set of tools and data for building and improving research prototypes and allowing others to replicate research results more easily.
To qualify, the software or dataset must be provided with source code and licensed in such a manner that it can be used free of charge, at least in academic and research settings.
For software, all source code, license, installation instructions, and other documentation must be available on a public web page or publicly available software repositories such as GitHub, etc., and allow reviewers to build the software.
Authors are encouraged to prepare as much documentation of the software or dataset as possible. This includes examples of how the software or dataset might be used, existing prototypes using the resource, video demos, download statistics, or other public usage information.
Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to visual communications and image processing, as described in the VCIP2025 paper CfP:
Please submit your demo/open source/dataset paper in IEEE Conference Proceedings format. The page limit for demo papers is two pages (excluding references) and four pages for open source and dataset papers (excluding references). Please note that demo, open-source, and dataset papers will follow a single-blind review process and do not require anonymous submission.
Each demo submission should contain a supplementary file, either in PowerPoint format (no more than 10 slides) or in video format (no longer than 3 minutes) showing what conference participants can actually experience in the demo. In addition, a one-page PDF file with a description of your demo configuration may be submitted in case you have special requests.
Accepted open source and dataset papers will be presented as posters. Open source participants may also request a demo slot, if appropriate.
Accepted demonstrators will be provided with a table, a poster board, a power outlet, and (shared) wireless Internet. Presenters are expected to bring everything else required for their presentations, such as hardware, laptops, sensors, PCs, etc. However, if you have special requests, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will do our best to arrange them.