Paper Submissions

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IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (IEEE VCIP 2025) Conference, will be held in Klagenfurt, Austria, from December 1 to 4, 2025. VCIP is the oldest conference in the field and one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE CAS Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee. Since 1986, VCIP has served as a premier forum for the exchange of fundamental and applied research in the field of visual communications and image processing.


General Requirements for Authors

Papers must be submitted in final, publishable form before the submission deadline listed in the important dates. The submitted paper should be blind (none of the authors affiliations’ or names should be included or disclosed in the submitted paper).

The contents of submitted papers must not have been previously published (or accepted for publication) in substantially similar form. Furthermore, the contents of submitted papers must not significantly overlap with the content of any paper currently under review or that will be submitted during the VCIP 2025 review period to any of the following: another conference, a workshop, or a journal. The VCIP 2025 Committee retains the right to exclude any papers in violation of these requirements.

Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, by a qualified surrogate. The paper MUST be registered before the deadline given for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program.

Paper Submission

Formatting the Paper: Submitted papers in regular or special sessions will be allowed up to 4 pages, including results, figures, and references, with one optional 5th page containing only references, in two-column IEEE format. Demo papers must be one page in length with a description of proposed working systems. VCIP 2024 employs Double Blind Review, therefore please make sure that your paper is BLIND.

This can be done by not providing information that may identify the authors in the paper (none of the authors’ affiliations or names should be included or disclosed in the submitted paper. The information will be added in the final accepted camera-ready version later), do not provide information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs), and do not provide links to websites that can identify the authors. Detailed guidelines are available below. Violation of any of these guidelines may lead to rejection without review. High-quality papers will be recommended to IEEE Trans. CSVT for journal extension.

Please use the Microsoft Word A4 template or the LaTeX template in conference A4 mode (Start with the conference template file bare_conf.tex and configure the output document with the line \documentclass[conference,a4paper]{IEEEtran}).

Online Submission

  • File Format: All submissions must be made electronically as a PDF file. The submitted PDF file must adhere to the following constraints: Adobe document protection or document security must be disabled, the document must be in first-page-first order, and all fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • File Size Limit: Authors will be permitted to submit a document file up to 5 MB (megabytes) in size. To request an exception, contact the Program Chairs.

Paper Preparation Guideline for Double Blind Review

In the review & selection process of VCIP2025, both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous (the identity of authors is only known to the program chair/vice-chair and the subcommittee chairs). All authors MUST adhere to the following guidelines to conceal their identity:

  1. Eliminate author names, contact information, and affiliations from the entire manuscript (including Figures and Tables in the paper, PDF metadata, etc. if applicable). Author names can appear in the cited references under the way of referencing in item (2) below – it is applied in the same way to the references in publicly available archives (like arXiv). Just in case the intended paper title could reveal the authors or their affiliation, the paper can be submitted with its intended title blind.
  2. Use the third person to refer to your own published (incl. Archives) work (ex: instead of “my” or “our”, mention them by “It has been shown that… [1].” Work that is substantially related to the VCIP2025 submission and has been submitted to another Conference/Journal, but has not been published yet, must be cited in an anonymized format.
  3. Do not cite patents.
  4. Eliminate acknowledgments and references to funding sources. These can be added later once the paper is accepted.
  5. Manuscripts that are not properly anonymized may not be considered for review.

Online Review Process

Your submitted paper will be visually inspected by a member of the technical program committee to ensure that the document is readable and meets all formatting requirements. If errors are detected in your submitted file, you will be contacted to resolve the issue. If your paper passes inspection, it will be entered into the review process. At least two members of the technical program committee will review each submitted paper and rate it according to quality, relevance, and correctness. The conference technical committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference.